Monday, February 16, 2009


There is a subtle line between frustration and anger. I think I am a person who is pretty good at not crossing over that threshold. Perhaps I am someone who just accepts when things go wrong.

Things went wrong yesterday, obviously. I forgot to write my blog on time. Although, that was a mistake made, I believe, from the weight of all the other disappointments on my mind. Regardless of what a nerd I am for playing Dungeons and Dragons I enjoy it. Now it has been a full five weeks since my group got to play, and next week won’t be available.

There were many things that went wrong all weekend though. I have already vented enough about my Friday. Problems of that day linger though.

I had a dream last night in which I had to walk around barefoot. I crossed the area and got some glass in my right foot that made it hurt to walk but I could not stop for some reason. I had to do something hazy, and then come back, across the glass once more. Finally I was able to deal with cause of my pains. With some tweezers I got out the first piece, a wedge jammed straight up the into my heel. The next one I removed was on the right side of my foot, it was much longer then I had thought it would be, at least 2 inches. The next one was on the back of my foot, angled up towards my ankle. This one was not as long but just as painful.

The last one was on the left side, it was shaped like a long rectangle. I could see it under my skin extending from the entry point. It was deep, only the tiniest bit poking out, not enough to grab. I had to move the tweezers into the wound in order to grab it. Forcing a gap between the glass and my insides revealed that a vein had been severed. Blood gushed forth and pain shot up my leg. I had to get it out, so I worked at it, slowly. I woke up from the relief I felt when I had finally succeeded.

1 comment:

  1. Whoa... what a stressful, distressing dream (though the outcome seems very hopeful). I can't help but equate the whole criss-crossing broken glass on bare feet with your internal perception of what it's like walking down your personal life-path at the moment. It's a terrible, painful, viciously sharp road -- and not only can't you stop, you have to keep retracing your painful steps. Getting the glass out was also a painful process, but ultimately positive. And though you severed an artery (ah! blood gushing, bleeding to death stuff) the release of life-force may be symbolic of a positive flow of creative energy and the beginning of healing.
