Friday, June 12, 2009

Summer Nights

I have some serious problems with sleeping on summer nights. I have come to the conclusion that it is because my body wants a certain amount of darkness before heading to bed. This becomes a great problem when the nights start so late and end so early.

In the past 2 weeks I have noticed the curtains over my windows beginning to light up as I am still trying to fall asleep. I can’t quite figure out how to word the way that makes me feel. Its not exactly a dread, and I am not quite disappointed in myself. Its almost an annoyance but at the same time it doesn’t really agitate.

Just a week and a few days till mid-summers though, then the nights will start getting longer again, and hopefully that will help me goto sleep a little earlier.

Hopefully it will help me get back on track with posting on Sundays too.


  1. Hmm... this poses an interesting situation should you ever decide to pursue a more northerly direction with studies or living. Though the summers are briefer, the extremes of light and dark are greater. When I traveled to Europe in July (a million years ago), it was astonishing -- still light at 11:00pm in Amsterdam, and when I went above the Artic Circle (Narvik, Norway) in early July, it got gray betwee 11:00pm and 1:00am and that was it for the nighttime!

  2. Ooops, I meant Norway in early AUGUST.

  3. Yeah I need to find a balance. One reason I think somewhere like Washington might be good is because of how long the rainy season lasts. If it is overcast all the time it will still get darker earlier...
