Saturday, October 24, 2009

Hanging Out

I find hanging out to be a rather relaxing thing to do. However some people find it to be draining. Perhaps I have just found people I don’t feel I must think about what I do or say around.

Is that not what some people look for in a friend? It seems like one of the major criteria to me. Don’t get me wrong, I have plenty of friends who don’t really meet that, but I don’t hang out with them most of the time. Frankly, that’s why.

Because if hanging out with your friends isn’t fun, then why are they your friends?

1 comment:

  1. I've been thinking about this since you wrote it. By definition, "hanging out" is relaxing. Hanging, as in monkeys hanging from a tree or a hammock... any image I come up with is at-ease and pleasant. Why on earth would anyone hang with people if it increased, instead of decreasing their stress? It makes no sense at all, at all.
