Thursday, January 7, 2010

New Years 2010

So it seems this year I am going to start drinking. I have been 21 for almost two years and had probably like 10 beers total, and only drank like twice while I was underage. As of New Year’s Eve this year I have had about 11 beers. New Castle Brown Ale is delicious.

On another note, I have no real resolutions this year. At least, I haven’t thought of any yet. So far this has been a good year so far. I have made some new friends which is always nice. My sister visited, which was also nice since I hardly talk to her these days.

Oh and my fortune cookie told me if I stay on this path I will achieve my goal. Which goal being the real question... So yeah...

Happy New Year everyone!

1 comment:

  1. Newcastle Brown is absolutely divine. Just remember that alcohol is hard on the liver, and if you ever start feeling like you NEED a drink, that's the time to stop drinking.

